html> For you, I will become strong...

Monday, September 19, 2011

11:48 AM

People have always questioned my r/s with Siti. They say that she is my girlfriend, or should be my girlfriend. Well, I'm sorry to say that I have no intention of asking her to be my girlfriend. Not that i don't love her or anything, i do but as a best friend, a close friend, a sister.

Became close to siti in Sec 4, when i was in the secret r/s with Kim. Siti and Kim were close friends, and since i was Kim's bf, i was introduced to Siti. That was when everything started. We started hanging out together, having fun with one another. You know, share secrets and gossips...i just lent a listening ear and smiled, even if i had no idea what they were talking about. All was fun till the day Kim dumped me. I was torn apart. But Siti was there to comfort me, ohya, along with Nadia (No idea when she came into the picture) >_>

Even now, Siti is still there for me. When Nadia dumped me for some idiot, Siti was the one who was there to comfort me. To tell me that life goes on.

I happy to tell the world ;

i will never let you go (:

Friday, September 9, 2011

5:40 PM

The 4 of us were the best of friends. If something were to happen to one of us, the othe 3 will try and help with the best of our abilities. There was never a time when any of us were isolated from each other. NEVER!

But time changes everything and one by one, the 4 of us dropped out into our own lifes, leaving me here alone and solitary. I just cant accept the fact that all this had happened. It feels like it was just yesterday, the 4 of us laughing with each other. Haha~ here, Hehe~ there. At that time, i knew that the my life was complete with these 3. But now, all 3 of them, gone...and there is nothing i can do. People change.

What happened to balls? :
It may come as a shock to you, but me and balls actually dated. She is not desirable yet i still love her just the way she is. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. I used to belive in that bullcrap. 6 mths after we started dating, she dumped me. She actually dumped me. And for reasons i am still confuse about. So both Nutty and Tarts were there to settle the break up between balls and me. They tried reasoning with balls, but her nose was lifted up so high. I actually cried and begged her to stay my gf. She decided to walk away. Tarts followed her and tried reasoning with her 1 last time, while nuts was with me, comforting me.

How did Fishy Nuts Happen? :
2 mths has past, and i was ready to start a new chapter of my love life. So i asked nuts, "Nuts, do you think i will ever get a new gf?". "No idea, but i am willing to help you look for one. :D I was happy that my best friend, nuts, wanted to help me out. She looked up her contacts on her phone and gave me one of the numbers. "Here, introduce yourself to her". I was like, WTF? Introduce myself to someone i didnt know? Well, since she's my best friend and was trying to help me, i texted the number. I got a cheerful reply back. At that time, i was over-joyed. *Months of Texting* Nuts told me to finally confess to her. I was nervous but went ahead...i was rejected right on the spot. I felt like dying X_X. Then nuts came up to me and said, "there is one girl that likes you". ???who??? She came up to me and hugged me, i was shocked :O. Thats how it all happens. 1506090845.

Well, the R.S. has alrdy ended and i'm still trying to get over it. Still crying in the brest-milk T T dont think i will recover anytime soon.

What is my R.S. with Tarts?
To all that asked this question, im gonna give u one short answer. We are 'besties' And nothing more, still can't belive nuts tot i was cheating on her with tarts.

Well, i am going to miss this beautiful friendship we shared. I'll keep it in behind close doors till we are all ready to enter that room together again in the future

i will never let you go (:

Friday, August 5, 2011

8:59 AM

Its been awhile since I last updated my blog.

So many things has happen, dont know where to start. Well, lets start with My bestie, Siti Zaitun, I'm very very close to her, she is my everything, and the only true fren i have now. We laugh,have fun and even cry together. Alot of sweet memories that we share together that it covers up the bad ones. We play the guitar and sing along to our favorite songs. Here's a video of us playing...its not that great but we are getting better :P
Need to practice more, hehe...we will start our duo band some day...maybe >_>
Hehe, a few more instuments will not hurt :P

Now the bad part. Baby left me 2 months ago, right after our 2 yr anni. There are 2 different sides of what happened. Let's talk abt her side of the story : 'You were away when i needed you most, your having fun with another girl, taking pictures with another girl, going out with another girl. You forget abt me.'

Now my side of the story : 'I have friends i need to socialize with. Friends who needs me to show them what fun is. Ya, i did go out with another girl but did you see me taking picture with her, just the 2 of us? Did you see me hugging or kissing her? Did you see me holding her hand?And i had to focus on my studies, my final exams are coming up, in 1 mths time, or was that 2 weeks time >_>. Well anyways, to end my side of the story, for those two mths, i still did say 'I love you' every night b4 i sleep.

Siti always tell me to move on too. If she can do this to you now, think abt your future, she will do it again. I didnt want to belive that, but I had to accept the truth.

I'm letting go of her slowly, unlike her who just toss me one corner after using me. Thinking that i'm just her sex partner she uses to have her pleasure...Haiz, my life is forever complicated :(

i will never let you go (:

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

4:53 PM

Days at home...dull, nothing to do other than facebook
Cant even msg my baby,
how i miss her,
her cute smile which always warms my heart
How i love her...and ive nvr regret being wif her...
It will b our 6th months 20 days

Prom was ok...i love the food there...
i filled my plate with loads of diff kinda food...
I was so stuff...
Nanti i gemuk, real
Ahaha....had a great time with my friends there...
I like the dance floor, Solihin carried me around on the dance floor...
Wohoo! Macam org giler sey...

i will never let you go (:

Saturday, November 21, 2009

5:23 PM

Hai peepz....
Well i have 5 kesusahan, let me list them down for u :
  1. Prom is this monday and i havent got a thing to wear...
  2. Still trying to look for a job, no one called for me...hmm
  3. Still cant play my hell's highway...nid to get a betta com
  4. Cant see my baby any time soon (well, we all made plans to watch the new moon movie together)
  5. I miss my baby sooooooooo much

So many problems....nid time to think abt it...

i will never let you go (:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

8:14 PM is my 5th mth for Siti Nadia, my love

Kau gadisku yang cantik
Coba lihat aku di sini
Disini ada aku yang cinta padamu

Kau gadisku yang manis
Coba lihat aku di sini
Disini ada aku yang sayang padamu

Walau kutahu bahwa dirimu
Sungguh dah ada yang punya
Namun kan kutunggu sampai kau mau

Woo, woo, jangan jangan kau menolak cintaku
Jangan, jangan kau ragukan hatiku
Ku kan selalu setia menunggu
Untuk jadi pacarmu

Woo, woo jangan, jangan kau tak kenal cintaku
Jangan, jangan kau hiaukan pacarmu
Putuskanlah saja pacarmu
Lalu bilang I LOVE U padaku

Walau kutahu bahwa dirimu
Sungguh dah ada yang punya
Namun kan kutunggu sampai kau mau

Woo, woo, jangan jangan kau menolak cintaku
Jangan, jangan kau ragukan hatiku
Ku kan selalu setia menunggu
Untuk jadi pacarmu

Woo, woo jangan, jangan kau tak kenal cintaku
Jangan, jangan kau hiaukan pacarmu
Putuskanlah saja pacarmu
Lalu bilang I LOVE U padaku

Jangan jangan kau menolak cintaku
Jangan, jangan kau ragukan hatiku
Ku kan selalu setia menunggu
Untuk jadi pacarmu

Woo, woo jangan, jangan kau tak kenal cintaku
Jangan, jangan kau hiaukan pacarmu
Putuskanlah saja pacarmu
Lalu bilang I LOVE U padaku

I love you baby

i will never let you go (:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

9:56 AM

My fave line for my life in kcpss
Almost every day in sch is meaningless for me...
Im somehow still lookin for the reason why i was given a second chance in life...
I sould be dead now...Kk hospital would be the place where i was born and died...
I sould have just killed myself when i had the chance...dropped out the window in sec 1 in cbss.
Muhd fitri, age 13, class 1E2. Died outside his classroom window...
Then at least i wont b a burden to my family and friends...
My purpose in life to to make people fight with one another?
I dont know anymore...

i will never let you go (:


The name's Fitri
28 April 1991
Mfps, Cbss, Kcpss, Macpherson ite
E-mail/Msn (:
hate me ? click here


•Stay close to my family
•Finish my studies
•Stay in contact with friends
•Get back with Baby

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MySpace Playlist at

exits }

Nadia Kekasihku
Siti Princess
Atiqah Adik comel ku
Zachary My pal
Rodney My pal
Aishah Bro's gf :P

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Tag or DIE !

credits (:

Designer : honeydil-
Image : deviantart
Song : imeem
Image hosting: x
Brushes: Adobe Photoshop Cs2
Leave the credits alone, please :D